The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

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Covington, Kentucky

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31410111111111111111NEIMMOIMISIOW PAGE 5-KENTUCKY POST TESTIMONY ALL IN expenses of the city including the FEEL YOUNG A AI CRYSTAL CLUB REORGANIZED mcur477n4Dpill71-1 NI 19 9 "No Longer Fatigued-1 Sleep Like a Eat Anything" Meeting Was Held at Stag This Successful Minneapolis' Man Joins the Thousands Who Cafe Tuesday Night: Are Praising the Celebrakd Nerve Viktlizer and Tonic fined by the City Police Court in the sum of not less than $20 nor more than $50 for each violation of this ordinance Any ordinance or part of ord nance in conflict herewith is hereby repealed SECTION 3 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and approval Approved March 21 1904 A B321BOLD Mayor Attest: PETER KREBS City Clerk CASE OF SMITH VS STREET 5 I NEWPORT 1 CAR COMPANY IN HANDS OF THE JURY 14PAPIHIN4114HHHIWNINIIMSHOOPIti Tim damage suit of Smith vs the Railway Company for $20000 is In the bands of the jury Much expert testimony was given Tuesday afternoon HomE with a controller box on exhibition The Intention of the testimony was to show that it was impossible for Smith to have been injured because of the care taken is the construction of the controller box PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND IT KEEPS HIM AT HIS BEST" Youth That Came Here From Frankfort Was Sent Home to His Brother Wednesday TAKEN TO SPEER'S Joseph Bleesing painter whose home is at Ninth and York Street' Newport was Tuesday transferred from the Cincinnati City Hospital to Spears Hospital A week ago he fell from the roof of the street ear barn at Chester Park fracturing his skull The injury has temporarily affected his mind and he is in a serious condition :) 4 :1 -'Ai: ive a 1 -'3 5 vt' i sl: 1 w4 It LA 1 'A PC pr 1:: -1At ::7::: 'Af' ''p it i -1' 1:5: -2s At the Stag Cafe in Cincinnati Tuesday night a meeting was held by many Covingtonians for the purpose of organizing the Crystal Bunting and Fishing Club It was decided to limit the membership to 100 and the initiation fee was Axed at $100 The abandoned property recently held by the club at Ryland Ky which contains about 150 acres near Crystal Lake will be improv ed and a handsome clubhouse erected The temporary organization on Tuesday night was: President Fred Alders Secretary Dr Treasurer Richard McGraw A committee was appointed to draft the new constitution and bylaw' to report at a meeting to be held Saturday THIS PITTIWCRO DIAN 'TOO It oBeseedi Him Him en Hie Feet When He Was Bus Down and Sickly "Allowing my system to become thoroughly undermined by hard work loss of sleep and nervousness' the result was that I was a fit subject for the hoepital A friend of mine recommended iny taking Paine Ce lerr Compound which I did and after taking one bottle of your valuable compound felt much better A second bottle has put me on my feet again It braced me sin I now feel like a new SHEETS Lehigh Ave Pittsburg Pa LIGHTNING STRUCK HOUSE IN NEWPORT NEWPORT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE regulating the speed of automobiles propelled by steam electricity or other means within the corporate limits of the City of Newport Ky Be it ordained by the General Council of the City of Newport Kentucky: SECTION I That all automobiles operated and propelled by steam electricity or other means by any person corporation or company within the corporate limits of the City of 1Newport shall not so run Or be propelled at a rate of speed to exceed eight miles per hour but said automobiles shall slacken their speed upon approaching any and all street crossings and all said automobiles shall be equipped with gongs or horns and same shall be sounded to give timely warning to pedestrians and all others who may be upon the street or approaching aforesaid crossings SECTION 2 Lonnie Wiram 14 the lad who ran away front his brother's home near 4 Frankfort 1Cy a few days ago was sent back there Wednesday morning by Chief of Police Deputy of Newport The lad it is said was in the Odd Fellows' Home and came here with another boy named Vogel when Patrolman Cottingham took him to Police Headquarters He was poorly clad and the police were in a quandary as to what to do with him Butcher Wm Klessman took him to provide a home for him and stated that he would keep him if allowed He rigged the boy up In good clothe and gave him a good borne Chief Deputy wrote to David Wiram a brother and asked if the boy would be allowed to remain here In a good home Wednesday morning a telegram reached Newport that a ticket was at the office and asked the Chief to send the lad home Lieu- tenant of Police Jack Leshey put him on the train for Frankfort to go to his brother's home Minns ipolls Feb I I Palne's Celery Compound can do for others what it has done for me it I certainly the greatest remedy on the market today "I tried dozens of other remedies but found none that would make me feel like Paine's Celery Compound has made me feel "I was troubled with debility nervousneu insomnia and several other ailments After taking Paine' Celery Compound I slept like a child I could eat anything It relieved me of that tired feeling "I feel young again and a little extra exertion no longer fatigues me In fact it was just Oa tonic I JOHNSON 621 lit Ave 8 Paine's Celery Compound is best advertised by the men and women It has cured The fame of this celebrated Nerve Vitaliser and Blood Tonic bas been spread to every city township and farm in the by the word-of-mouth recommendation of grateful patients Is there one other remedy in the world today that can point to success based on such fame? WILL GIVE COFFEE The Ladies Auxiliary of Miller Camp Bons of Veterans Newport invite their friends to a coffee to be given Thursday at the residence of Mrs Margaret Braun OS Columbia Street afternoon and evening A DROOPING WOMAN Girls In a Tailor Shop Badly Soared Rushed From the Room- repairs of its public landing I The sum of 3 5-10 cents on each $10100 valuation for the Public Li- 1 brary fund and shall be for the purpose of maintaining the public ic Library of said city 1 The sum of 32 cents on each valuation for the public I school fund and shall be for the purpose the public schools of uid city The sum of 4 4-10 cents on each' 210000 valuation for the public school intertyt and sinking fund and shall be for the purpose of paying the interest on and the final i redemption of the bonded indebtedneas of the Board of Education of said city The sum of 6-10 cents on each 210100 valuation for street sinldng fund and shall be for the purpose of paying the city's portion for improvement by reconstruction of certain streets fronting city prop ert71 1e sum of 31-10 cents on each 210000 valuation for the polite fund and shall be for the purpose of paying the police of the city The sum of 2 4-10 cents on each 210000 valuation for electric light plant sinking fund and shall be for the purpose of constructing a municipal electric light plant within the city The sum of 4-10 cents on each 210100 valuation for park fund and shall be for the purpose of maintaining the city park The sum of 2-10 cents on each $10000 valuation for unitary fund and shall be for the purpose of the inspection of milk and dairies The sum of 19-10 cents on each 210000 valuation for contingent fund and shall be for the purpose of meeting payment of unanticipated expenses for the city not otherwise provided for szarioN 3 That all moneys received as license fees of all description from building permits with the exception of sewer tappers' licenses and permits and one-half of the lines and coats collected by the City Police Court and Magis- trates' Courts of said city shall be apportioned and set apart for the police fund for the purpose of paying the police and maintain ing a patrol service in said city and shall be in addition to the provisions herein made for said fund One-half SofECianlIOANnet and costs collected in the City Police Court and Magistrates' Court' shall be apportioned and set apart for the Public Library fund and shell be In addition to thenovision herein made for said SEC IONS MIL CHARLES IL JOHNSON Spring Finds Mtn Strong and Hatititp--Poine's Celery Compound Hes Made Alm Young Analmoo ft0emftAsoWftWWft ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION starlight Hive No 14 Ladies of the Maccabees Newport will celebrate its fifth with a banquet on Thursday maim All El ea are asked to be present Tired Weak Mut Paine Celery Compound Made Her Strews Des Moines Iowa Jan SO Mt- "I was feeling tired and weak and bad been troubled with nervounness for a long time When I walked on the street I became dimly and felt that I was going to fall I bad doctored with the best physielans but got no relief had read of the numerous cures made by Paine's Celery Compound and finally decided to try it From the start the benefit which I derived was marked After taking three bottles I feel that entirely a A ADDER 841 4th St Lightning crested a bad scare at a tenemnt house at Tenth and Saratoga Streets in Nmrport Tuesday afternoon A bolt of lightning struck the boys in which four families reside The place caught fire and the fsmilies started to move their effects into the street no Tire Department put out the blase in a short time Next door to the tenement is a tailoring establishment where 20 girls are em- end they were almost frantic and el from the place The moony is owned by Mn Nary Rennekamp Tks Ion WU trifling BELLE1TUE SEVEN HOBOS ARRESTED IN THE HIGHLANDS Any person corporation or company or employe thereof violating the provisions of Section 1 shall be fined by the City Police Court In the sum of not less than Twenty or more than Fifty dollars for each violation of this ordinance Any ordinance or part of ordinance in conflict herewith is hereby repealed SECTION 3 This ordinance shall be In full force and effect after its passage and approval Approved March 21 1904 A BELMBOLD Mayor Attest: PETER KREBS City Clerk Learn how much better you can to your Druggist one just ONCE that abundant new nerve force made by Palne's Celery Compound will NEVER AGAIN be contented with low spirits and poor health WANTS DIVORCE Colored Men Could Not Give Good Account of i WIFE ALSO ASKS COURT TO ALLOW HER 'ALIMONY Rosa Bradley filed mit for divmus in the Campbell Circuit Court Wednesday against Claude Bradley charging abandonment She lays they were married in September 1111 and lived together until March 1901 when he lett her She asks 0 tor 1310211 Al Bubig for plaintiff DEBRIS WE ALL TEETH WITHOUT PAIN All other dental operations as performed by us are done without pain We are enabled to this by the use of the latest and most improved methods and ap vileness 4 Chunks of Trees Float Down the River Breaks Loose Patrolman CUL Flynn ol IPt Thomas took in a patrol load of seven colored hobos Who refusild to give an account of themselves They gave their lames as Andrew Lewis Horace Crosby Jackson Charles Neiderson Stanley Winston and Eli Gilbert Thirty-six dollars and ninety cents was found among them Tbe Highland citizens have complained recently about petty larcenies and all hobos Uwe will be arrested Squire Donal will take up the cases Wednesday afternoon TEMPERANCE LECTURE Bundick will dellm a temperance lecture at Grace IL Church Thursday evening at 110 o'clock He is a splendid orator and his lecture will be interesting NEWPORT ORDINANCE AN ONDLIANCE to provide for the imposition levy collection and apportionment of the taxes and revenues of the City of New port Ky for the ihcal year 1904 Be it ordained by the General Council of the City of Newport Kentucky I 1 SEE THESE PRICES FOR MINTED WORK GOLD CROWNS 6300 TO 500 rat SET OF TEETH 300 AND UP BRIDGE WORK $00 TO 11500 GOLD FILLINGS el 00 AND UP I 4-elA4' Mi '1''n'3) fi 14' 11t re-s 1144 iV: A '4-174141 41'' 14 111IIllnisr MEMORIAL COMMITTEE Wm Nelson Post No A of Newport met Tuesday night at Memorial Hall and appointed the following committee on arrangements for its annual celebration of Decoration Day: Armstrong Hewetson Charles Hammond Adam Houck and Isaac Stebbins Warrants Issued The State Food Commission Is Against Adulterated Milk American Dental Co ss4g MADISON AVENUE Open Evrtings Oundsys Until Noon SEWER WASHED AWAY The heavy rain of Tuesday washM out about 40 feet of the four-foot sewer belonging to the Railroad Company It will take several thousand dolars to put the same back in shape AT morn Beginnin this evening there Will be services at Trinity Lutheran Church every evening until Easter excepting Saturdays The subject of Rev Bramkamp's sermon Wednesday will be "The last Journey to Jerusalem" X031 The district convention of of meeta Wednesday evening at the Castle Hall of Guiding Star Lodge No 45 All brother knights invited GAVE A SURPRISE Mr Hart TXlein was a delightful surprise party by the members of the Girls' Athletic Club and Emelleb Fraternity in honor ilXn Bonatetaol etaoin aoin of his 18th birthday The evening was passed with games and music A bounteoul lunch was served McKinley Council of A meets Thursday evening Initiations FACTORY FOR BELLEVUE Harry has a force of men at work grading a large tract of land just Wow Retreat Street He has leased this land for a term of years to the Peter Ader Building Block Company which will erect a large plant for the manufacture of cement blocks for all kinds of building purposes BELLEVUE BRIMS Mrs Charles Hausman Hausman and Mrs William Gellenbeck wil entertain with a coffee and lunch at the St John's Church on Foote Atenue Thursday from to 6 Bellevue Lodge 808 meta Wednesday night Bellevue Lodge 585 meets 'Friday night Election of officers Several candidates will be initiated William Bettuce was fined 650 and costs for assaulting Ed Nagel of South Bellevue with a hatchet 1 CASE ORDERED SETTLED In the Circuit Court in Newport Tuesday in the case of Sarah A Fleming and others against Alice Biedenbach executrix under the will of Elisabeth Robooni deceased Master Conunissioner Thomas Healy was ordered to settle all accounts of the executrix and distribute the residue of the estate among the heirs The Ohio River at Cincinnati presented turbulent "lullaby Wednesday as a result of the storm of Tuesday The dream was peollen from the rain and great pieces of timber and other debris floated along at a rapid pace The Licking River in Kentucky contributed largely to the flotsam and jetsam The river ran wild as a result of the storm and brought a steady atream of brueh trees and fences into the Ohio The Weather Bureau areports show that during the Tuesday storm the entire precipitation amounted to 233 inches Many waahouts are reported all along the river and considerable damage was done by sewers being temporarily unable to carry off the surplus water SHOCKED THEM The bolt which burned out a belt line car at Fourth and Central Avenue shocked several persons Wm Iglowsky the porter at the Curler Cafe at the corner was whetting a large carving knife on a steel when the current transfixed him He yelled desperately until separated from the knife IL Allen a member of the Rate Pure rood Commission Tuesday swora to 10 affidavits against Newport people chsrl ing them with affering for sale skimmed 0 or adulterated milk The following were arrested on warrants swore to in Squire Kan Hutchison's court by Constable Harry Parks: Thomas Weston George Itooc Samuel Zeidman Zazweller Trod Bchomaker and Bastian The following were arrested be Constable Thos Beans on warrants sworn to in Squire Donelan's court: Charles Bifert Ueda Meyers A Ratterman George and John Hilbert and Young Jr The bearings are set for the last day' in March I ECCS! I NEWPORT BRIEFS Noihis Dove Lodge of Newport will initiate several candidates in the first degree next Monday night at their hall York and Sixth Streets Newport Senate No 2 A 0 will meet Wednesday night to confer the third degree The young ion of Deputy Clerk Arthur Llewellyn is seriously ill at his home OVER III RULE AGAINST HUSBAND Trouble in High School Ended and Male Class Has Been Reinstated to4f' 17IFiliWas4- 4 114 1 40118e0S1 st4 4 1 441 1411 11 SPi- iV4 wto I tst ktt SECTION 1 That for ilzzear 1904 there shall be im levied and col- lected by the City of Newport Ky the sum of one dollar and fifty cents (2150) under the general charter of said city entitled "An act for the government of the cities of the second class in the Commonwealth of Kentucky" approved March 191894 and also an act amendatory thereof entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An art for the government of cities of the second class in the Commonwealth of Kentucky' approved March 19 1894 and being Section 3219 of the Kentucky Statutes" approved March 17 1896 and also an act concerning the assessment and valuation for taxation of the corporate franchises and intangible propertier for cities of the first and second class approved March 19 1895 also an act to amend Chapter 80 Kentucky Statutes entitled Municipal Corporations that became a law March 29 1902 on each 2100 of valuation of real personal and mixed estates all chose' in action evidences of debt and all corporate franchises within the City of Newport Ky assessed corrected altered and returned by the Board of Equalization of said city and certified by the City Auditor to the said General Council and as duly assessed and returned for taxation by maid city by the State' Railroad Commission in pursuance of Article 4 Chapter 108 of the Kentucky Statutes and further property of any kind and every Kind within the corporate limits of the City of Newport subject to taxation under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky SECTION 2 The said levy and assessment of one dollar and fifty cents (2150) on each 210000 of the valuation as above set out shall be posed levied and collected and apportioned to and for the follow ing purposes and in the following proportions: The sum of 25 cents on each 210000 valuation for the interest and sinking fund and shall be for the purpose of paying the interest on the bonded debt of said city The sum of 21 cents on each 210000 valuation for the street fund and shall be for the purpose of main taming and repairing the streets and of defraying the expenses incident to the removal of ashes and garbage from and cleaning the MOTHER GAVE CONSENT Thomas Dodge 21 and Gertrude Mar Crist 18 both Of Brookville Ind applied for a license to wed in Newport Tuesday The girl 11-11 nnpanied by her mother who consented that the marriage should take place Squire Donelan performed the ceremony DAYTON NOTICE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA EASTERN DISTRICT OF KENTUCKY PUBLIC NOTICE WHEREAS On the 12th day of January 1901 the Burnside A Burksville Transportation Company as owner of the steamboat Burneide tiled its libel and petition in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Ken- tuck)! al Covington Ky contesting its liability and the liability of the said steamboat for the loss destruntion damage and injury of said steamboat and its cargo by a Are on the list day of December 1903 at Melfillane Landing in the State of Kentucky and also prayed for limitation of nobility under the provisions of Sections 4283 to 4289 of the Statutes of the United States: and Whereas The value of said steamboat or so much thereof as was not destroyed latter the Ines) and the freight pending has been duly appraised in the sum of Pk and a stipulation duly given for the payment of said sum into court upon its order and Whereas By order of said court duly made upon the list day of March 1901 it was ordered that a monition issue out of and under the seal of said court egeinst all persons claiming damages for any lose destruction damage or injury ocessionM by the disaster to the said steamboat Burnside and her loss citing them to sit-pear before said court end make due proof of their claims on or before the 25th day of June 1904 that public notice of such monition be given by the undersigned to the Marshal by publieetion in The Kenturky Post that the prosecution of all or any suit or suits actions gem- tines or proceedinga egoinat the said Burneide Burksville Trensportation Company in respect to any claim for damages or any lose destruction damage or injury neeasioned by said disaster to the said steamboat Burnside be and is thereby restrained and that any person claiming damages is aforesaid should be at liberty on or before said 1111h day of Juno 1904 or within such further time ea the court nifty grant to answer the libel and the painful and to contest the right of the petitioner ether to the limitation of liability or exemption from liability or both of said reliefs as prayed for in said petition Notice is hereby given that a District Court will be held in the United States Court room In the city of Covington on the Vith day of June 1901 at 10 o'clock in the forenonn for the trial of said premises and ell persons who may bays any claim arising out of the loss deetruction damage or injury to said steamboat are hereby cited to be and appear at the time and platen aforesaid to make due proof of their respective claims or to show muse if any they have why a final decree should not pass as preyed for for exemption of liability or limitation of liability SHARP United Staten Marshal lantern District of Kentucky PRESCOTT SMITH Proctor in WIFE'S ATTORNEY CLAIMED SHE NEEDED MONEY FOR MEDICINE In the divorce case of Rebecca Bloom against Theodore Bloom final action on which al still pending Judge Shaw in the Kenton Circuit Court Wednesday granted the wife Pk per month allowance pending the settlement of the cue Attorney Grasiani for the wife istatell that the defendant had not yet paid the hot allowance ordered by the Court anti stated that the money wail badly needed as the wife had a sick child to take care of Judge Shaw totted a rule against tile defendant to show cause why he had not paid the money NEWPORT SOCIETY Cents a Dozen The Dials class of the Newport High chool was reinstated by the Board of Education Tuesday night at a special meeting held at the high eckool ending the trouble and the suspension of the boybear th bgyn Prof A Caldwell The a at advice of Supt John Burke styled the conditions es prepared by the principal in which the apology and promise to be good in the future were made under penalty or explosion The boys would not divulge the name of the boy who threw the cartridge into the re Joseph Maunder did not want to sign the paper until he bad seen his parents and Lew Wilson Jr was not present The boys won a victory over the faculty In the reinstatement and the only pun ishment meted out to them was that they will be compelled to remain a half hour longer each day to make up for lost time in their studies Cool CI Goode Agt LIKE Ata wASHINGTOX All of the receipts from the banal of sewer tappers' Ramses and sewer and sidewalk permits shall be apportioned and set apart to the street fund of staid city which shall be in addition to the other provisions herein made for said fund SECTION 6 That all of the receipts of the city from the collection of dog taxes wharfa*ge fees derived from market and city scales and from testing weights and measures shall be apportioned and set apart to the coniargent fund for the purpose of meeting the payment of unanticipated expenses for the city not otherwise pro tided for and ahall be in addition to the pvvisions herein made for said fund SECTION 7 That all the revenues from the Water Works of the said city be apportioned and set apart as follows: First all of said rev enue as may be necessary for the purpose of maintaining and operating the Water Works of said city not to exceed however the sum to-wit $2110000 so set aside for said purpose in the apportionment ordinance of the city for the Bleat year 1904 second that 50 percent um of all surplus of said revenue and receipts from the Newport City Water Works collected and turned over to the city of Newport during said year in- accordance with or dinances on the subject shall be ap portioned and set apart to the sink ing fund of said city and be used for the redemption of the bonds of the city and that 50 percentum of said surplus as aforesaid shall be apportioned and set apart for the interest fund of said city and these provisions for the said interest and sinking fund shall be in addition te the other provisions herein SECTION 5 That all moneys received Aver dividends from the Newport and Covington Bridge Company shall be apportioned and set apart to the interest fund and said pro- visions shall be in addition to the other provisions made for said fund SECTION 9 All delinquent taxes of this and former years penaltiets and accrued interest thereon that shall be col lected hereunder shall be apportion Pd and Bet apart to the following funds and in the following proper tons: I To the street fund 50 percentud of said delinquent taxes To the sinking fund 25 percentile of said delinquent taxes To the poor fund 25 per centum of said delinquent taxes Provided that all collections in excess of the sum of $2000000 shall be apportioned and set apart to the electric light plant sinking fund The provision made In this section for the street fund sinking fund 'led electric light plant pinkie fund shall be in addition to the othet provisions made herein earl said poor fund shall be for the purpose of assisting Indigent poor Of Paid city and providing for care of pans per sick in hospital SECTION 10 That all revenue as heretofore In the preceding sections apportionad and set apart is hereby Risme tioned as therein stated and obeli be smmrtietted and set apart feel "lively for the several purposes there ha named and all or any trawler of such funds are hereby prohibited SECTION 11 This ordinance shall take effect end be in force from and after its fr patine and approval Approved March 21 1904 A IIELMBOLD Myer Attest: FETER KREBS City Clerk I The friends of Clifford Coppin of 422 Russell Street Covington are congratulating him It's a line SOIL GREULE'S SYRUP OF WHITE PINE AND TAR promptly cure' coughs and colds 25 cents per bottle at GREULE'S DRUG STORES The remains of The venerable mother of Ed Wessling will be taken from the vault at St Bernard and interred BURIED IN ONE GRAVE Elsie Huber the 15-months-old grandchild of Mr and Mn Wil- liamson of Sixth Avenue passed away lilesday night The remains will be interred together with that of tier mother who passed away several months ago and whose remains have been in the vault at Evergreen MISSION MEETING The Women's Baptist Miselonary Union will meet at the Madison Avenue Church Covington Thursday afternoon Mr and Mrs Samuel Lamb will leave for their home in Elgin Friday after a three months' visit with Mrs Lamb's brother Mrs George Johnson is seriously Ill at her home 708 Dayton CARRIE DYE WAS' SEEN IN -CINCINNATI Missing Newport Cid Said To Be With Her Friends LUDLOW Street Ile is suffering with an idiot of erysipelne and it will be several daps before he will he able to leave his room Mr and Mrs John Lester of For-eat Avenue are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter at their home Mr and Mrs John Perry of Elm Street a son Conductor Frank Baldwin of Poplar Street who has been ill with an attack of the grip Is COnVilleseent NEWPORT ORDINANCE SEEKS PROMISED WIFE ON THEIR WEDDING DAY (By Miss Martha Southgate) Miss Grace Scheib ly entertained beautifully with cards on Tuesday night at her home on Washington Avenue the members of the "1830 Club" of which she is a member Among her guests were: Mimes Pearl and Ella Keen Ella Bartlett Stella and Emma Atkins Grace Crawford Ann Freeman May Palmer Messrs Frank Runyan Charley Palmer Harry Rain Henry Poor Keen Bert Patterson Walter Heckman and Howard ficheibly Mrs A Wood of Maple Avenue has been enjoying a stay with friends at Hot Springs and other interesting places in Arkansas Mr Charles Adams of Louisville Ky has been visiting in this vicinity during the past week Misses Horde me Clara Schulte have returned to their home on Lexington Avenue after a plegeant visit with Miss Luetta Crawley of Arlingtos Heights Min Anna Pauli of Southgate whom engagement his been announced to Mr Brooke Brown formerly of Louisville now of Parkersburg Va will be married at her home on May 20 miss Paul is a very beautiful girl and belongs to one of the representative families of Kentucky Mr Brown is eonnected with the Armsour Packing Company The society event of April 14 will be the dance to be given at Elks Hall under the direction of Misses Moore Pines McGroaty McEsilly Schindler Weiskittle Watson and Oldhaili Mrs Arthur Celtwley of Arlington Heights has as her guest Mrs''' Notions of this city Mr and Mrs Mitchell who have recently moved to this city from Pittsburg liars been visiting relatives at Newtown 0 On Tuesday March 23 Miss Nellie Trotter enterained moat delightfully the members of the Epworth League of the Grace Methodist Church Mr and Mrs John Morris bate left Home City where they have Men living for sews time past and expect to make this city their future home Mrs Jennie Spillman has been reclined to her home on East Third Street with grip for several days Miss Dorothy Kearny and bliss Leen Karstendiek will entertain on Friday night of this week with a Imp year dance to be given at the Mansion on Walnut Hills epeeist estled meeting of the Henrietta Hunt Morgan Chapter will be held with Mrs Geom Washington on East Fourth avast en Wednesday after oon Ilsrek Miss Elsie Anderson of Washinrem Avenue left Monday rer a visit of several weeks with her mother in SL Louis Friends of Mr Miller formerly of this city now of Avondale will be lad to bear that be is out after a serious melt of grip Mr and-Mrs Dodd of Washington Ave- sue have returned frees a brief visit to Goshen COVINGTON BRIEFS Clara Dye II of Me West Nifth Street Newport lly loft home Sunday evening to visit Mips Mamie Cochran who was to be her bridesmaid and hu not been seen by her family slues Louis Moen a meddir of rt Thomas who was to have married hoe Wedneeday is hmken hearted and" has appealed to the police to help end her He said be bad intended toting his bride to Hvo in Carrie Dys 16 who was 'reported Si missing from home to the Newport police kas not returned Al 'Moony who Is engaged to marry ber called at Police Headquarters Wednesday morning looking for Information concerning her whereabouts The police received one report that the girl wu seen in Cincinnati Tuesday with another girl Young Timmy is broken up over the girl's absence and be himself called at Hammond Street Station Cincinnati to make a search for bor The police believe that the girl is staying with friends In Cincinnati and will some home shortly NEWPORT REALTY TRANSFERS Beal estate transfers in Newport Tuesday were: John Mack to Barry Walker Lot 19 Taylor's heirs' addition 22000 Jas Wright trustee to Margaret Lockwood 24 by 111 feet on Third Street between Columbia and York tic Joseph Schultz to Elizabeth Van Fleet 28 by 150 feet on Fairfield Avenue Bellevue $8400 Elizabeth Van Fleet to Joseph Schultz lot on Fourth Avenue Dayton $400 OF ANNIVERSARY Charter Oak Lodge No 4 Knights of Pythias will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary Wed- needay evening at its Castle Hall on Elm Street with a smoker All Knights are invited to be present-STORM PLAYED HAVOC The storm Tuesday played havoc in Ludlow The sewer' were unable to carry off the downpour of rain and as a reault many collars were flooded Numerous waehouts were reported but none however were of a aerinus nature The rushing water from the hillsides caused the water in the Ludlow Lagoon to rine rapidly and Wednew's) the outlet resembled a miniature Niagara Falls PLACED UNDER BOND Lot Noe was arraigned before Police Judge O'Sullivan Tueaday charged with an asmult upon Henry Dignitirin who preferred the chamee Ile was found guilty and fined $in and costs and placed under MOO peace bond for one year Lagmann alleged that Noe etruck him as be was alighting from a car without provocation IAIDLOW BRIEFS The supper given by the WWI Aid Society of the nopthit Church Tuesday evening watt a big success socially and financially Preeldent Monte TA Green Is quite sick at his home on West Linden City Attorney George Philipps was appointed adminietrator of Laura Greenwood In the County Court Tuesday Attorney A Stricklett Tueeday was appointed a committee by Judge Shaw tn look after the estate of Lou lee Maxwell an Inmate of the Lakeland Asylum Alien 1 Michael 22 and Lillie Perry 21 both of Springfield were married by Rev Mitchell Tues- day All members of Lillian Temple No ice requested to meet at the restdenee of Miss Anna Manwering 27 Eut Thirteenth Street WedneedaY evening BUSITIPSI pf importame same The sum of 24-10 cents on each 210000 valuation for the Jail fund and shall be for the purpose of maintaining the City Jail including the Jailer's fees and the salary of the night Jail guard and the keep of the prisoners The sum of 11-10 cents on each 210000 valuation for the Public Building fund and shill be for the purpose of maintaining the public buildings of the city The sum of la mats on each 210000 valuation for the officers' fund and shall be for the purpose of payin-' the salaries' of the officers of the city The sum of 117-10 cents on each 210000 valuation for the Fire Demrtment fund and shall be for the purpose of maintaining the Fire Department of said city The sum of 17 2-10 cents on each 210000 valuation for the light fund and shall be for the purpose of defraying the expenses incident to the lighting of public streets and public buildings of said city The sum of 41-10 cents of each 210000 valuation for the general expense fund and shall be for the purpose of defraying the general AN ORDINANCE regulating the rnte of 'Teed of street cars propelled by ateam electricity or other menne within the corporate limits of the City of Newport Kentucky Be it ordained by the General Council of the City of Newport Kentucky: SECTION I That all street cern operated and propelled by acorn electricity or other mean by any pereon corporation or company within the corporate limits of the City of Newport obeli not PA run or he propelled at a rate of 'peed to exceed 12 mike per hour but said corm shall slacken their 'Teed upon approaehing any and all street crossings and all said cars shall he equipped with gongs and name shall be sounded to give timely werning to pedestrians and all others who may be upon the street or approaching aforesaid crossings SECTION 2 Any person corporation or company or employe thereof violating the provision of Section I shall he THE WIFE WON Lillian DM was granted a divorce Nedneaday from A Deal in the Kenton Circuit Court Wednesday She was granted a custody of the children and S20 alimony per month The Queen to Aurora The Coney Island Company will begin its excursion season earlier than heretofore The Queen is announced to make her first trip this season next Sunday going to Aurora for two trips The unnanally severe winter now Passed has served to make people very anxious to get to the country hence the early tun of the Queen SAPOLINVSATRANINISSIII 200s and 85o OLD SOLDIER BURIED The funeral of the late John Steitz a veteran of the Civil War who died at the Dayton (O) Soldiers Home took place Tuesday afternoon at the family home on Robert Street Newport Rev Carl pastor of St Paul German Protestant Lutheran Church conducted the services The body wee takm to Evergrcen I Cemetery and buried Nodier's Drug Store Fifth and Madison i i I.

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The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)


The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky? ›

Covington is well known for its historic neighborhoods including Licking-Riverside, MainStrasse Village and Wallace Woods as well as for it's downtown commercial district which is home to a large concentration of historic buildings, the Artists' Enterprise Center, the Northern Kentucky Convention Center and an eclectic ...

What is Covington, Kentucky famous for? ›

Covington is well known for its historic neighborhoods including Licking-Riverside, MainStrasse Village and Wallace Woods as well as for it's downtown commercial district which is home to a large concentration of historic buildings, the Artists' Enterprise Center, the Northern Kentucky Convention Center and an eclectic ...

Where was the Lookout House Covington KY? ›

The Lookout House for years sat at the top of the Dixie Highway Hill coming South out of Covington. It was on the left as you're going south, immediately before Kyle's lane turns to the east.

Is Covington, KY a suburb of Cincinnati? ›

Nicknamed the Cov, it may be a suburb of Cincinnati (which indeed is minutes away, just across the Ohio River), but Covington has a style all its own.

Who is the current mayor of Covington, Kentucky? ›

Mayor Meyer has served as a member of the Covington Board of Education, and for several years, also served as school board attorney for two school districts in Kentucky.

What movie is being filmed in Covington Kentucky? ›

COVINGTON, Ky. (WKRC) - A new movie is getting ready to film in the Tri-State. The director of the movie is Shal Ngo. "Control Freak" will begin production in mid-February and will run about a month.

Is Covington KY a nice place to live? ›

Living in Covington offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Covington there are a lot of bars, restaurants, and parks. Many families and young professionals live in Covington and residents tend to lean conservative. The public schools in Covington are above average.

Is it cheaper to live in Cincinnati or Covington, KY? ›

The Cincinnati cost of living is higher than the cost of living in Covington. However, both cities are very affordable. The Cost of Living Index in Cincinnati is 92.2, which means that it is 7.8% more affordable than the national average of 100.

What is the nickname for Covington Kentucky? ›

Covington, Kentucky. Also known as The Cov. Aka “If Cincinnati was Manhattan then Covington is Brooklyn.” As you can see from the map on our home page, Covington is the middle city of NKY, in between Florence and Newport.

What is the racial makeup of Covington Kentucky? ›

Covington Demographics

White: 78.31% Black or African American: 9.6% Other race: 5.33%

Is Covington KY growing? ›

About. In 2022, Covington, KY had a population of 40.9k people with a median age of 37.8 and a median household income of $53,770. Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Covington, KY declined from 40,930 to 40,923, a −0.0171% decrease and its median household income grew from $47,917 to $53,770, a 12.2% increase.

How old is Covington, KY? ›

Covington, which was incorporated in 1815, developed dramatically with the establishment of a cotton factory in 1828 and a rolling mill three years later. Many German and Irish immigrants began moving to the area and established thriving communities; by 1854, one-third of the residents of Covington were foreign born.

Who is Covington named after? ›

Covington was founded in 1822 as Newtonsboro. The town's name was changed several months later to honor Leonard Covington, a general in the War of 1812 (1812-15).

What Kentucky town is near Cincinnati? ›

Covington is a home rule-class city in Kenton County, Kentucky, United States. Located at the confluence of the Ohio and Licking rivers, it lies south of Cincinnati, Ohio, across the Ohio and west of Newport, Kentucky, across the Licking.

What is the Kentucky side of Cincinnati called? ›

The area known as "Northern Kentucky" is called the southern side of Cincinnati and is located directly across the river from downtown. Check out their website also.

Are parts of Cincinnati in Kentucky? ›

The Cincinnati metropolitan area (also known as the Cincinnati Tri-State area or Greater Cincinnati) is a metropolitan area with its core in Ohio and Kentucky. Its largest city is Cincinnati and includes surrounding counties in the U.S. states of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.

Is Cincinnati technically in Kentucky? ›

Cincinnati (/ˌsɪnsɪˈnæti/ SIN-si-NAT-ee, nicknamed Cincy) is a city in and the county seat of Hamilton County, Ohio, United States. Settled in 1788, the city is located in the northern side of the confluence of the Licking and Ohio rivers, the latter of which marks the state line with Kentucky.


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